Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Therapy in Irvine

With a success rate of 85% in my practice, Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms can be treated effectively with hypnosis to lessen the symptoms, and in some cases, complete remission.

Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is a common gastrointestinal disorder which affects 10-15% of the population. IBS symptoms may include recurring pain in the abdomen, with changes in how the gut works such as diarrhea, constipation, or both in combination. These symptoms have been reported to last for years after beginning, however, they are usually intermittent. The condition tends to predominantly affect females who total 70% of those with IBS. Clients are advised to first be diagnosed by a gastroenterologist or the primary physician to receive treatment utilizing hypnosis. This helps to ensure that the treatment which is specific to IBS will be successful. The treatment includes a 7session protocol developed by Dr. Olaf Palsson, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

IBS Therapy in Irvine, California

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that, in many severe cases, affects every aspect of an individual’s life. 10-15 % of adults in the US have this condition, and 70% of those with IBS are women, and IBS is common around the world. The symptoms of IBS include: recurrent abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, and changes in bowel functioning such as diarrhea, constipation or a combination of both. A diagnosis by a physician (Gastroenterologist) is theft first step to distinguish IBS from other GI disorders. From the time of diagnosis by a physician, clients report having had IBS as long as many years. Some of my clients have reported feeling as if they are being held hostage by this condition, in terms of what they should eat, and needing to stay at home, just in case their symptoms flare up. Medications from physicians for those with more severe symptoms have proved only partially helpful. It is not uncommon for individuals with IBS to search for other complimentary treatments. In the research, the two most beneficial treatments for IBS are cited as hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a condition that, in many severe cases, affects every aspect of an individual’s life. Some of my clients have reported feeling as if they are being held hostage by this condition, in terms of what they should eat, and needing to stay at home, just in case their symptoms flare up. Medications from physicians for those with more severe symptoms have proved only partially helpful. It is not uncommon for individuals with IBS to search for other complimentary treatments. In the research, the two most beneficial treatments for IBS are cited as hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Unfortunately, they often fall prey to unwarranted claims for symptom relief from anything from herbal and homeopathic medications to colon cleansing, spending a great deal of money and may suffer harm from the effects of such therapies. Among psychological treatments tested for this disorder, hypnosis treatment has shown the highest success rate in replicated studies, with studies commonly showing an astounding 80% or more of the treated patients improving and improvement commonly lasting for at least a couple of years.”

In my practice, we use the protocol by Dr. Palsson based on his research because it has had an excellent success rate. “This could be used to have a positive or calming influence on the intestines.” Olafur S. Palsson, Psy.D

Dr. Palsson is a Clinical Psychologist, and Associate Professor of Medicine, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a result, I have had an 85% success rate, either in reducing the symptoms, or with a few clients, complete remission.

“Although IBS is probably not caused by stress directly, it is well established from research that psychological stress increases the symptoms of many people who have the disorder. If the mind can have such a powerful negative influence on the intestinal tract, it would seem to make sense that the mind could be used to have a “positive or calming influence on the intestines.” Olafur S. Palsson, Psy.D

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In my practice, we use the protocol by Olafur S. Palsson, Psy.D because his…

could be used to have a positive or calming influence on the intestines.” Olafur S. Palsson, Psy.D

For further information about Psy.D research…

Palsson, Posy’d, because his protocol has had an excellent success rate. Dr. Palsson is a Clinical Psychologist, and Associate Professor of Medicine, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As a result, I have had an 85% success rate, either in reducing the symptoms, or with a few clients, complete remission.

“Although IBS is probably not caused by stress directly, it is well established from research that psychological stress increases the symptoms of many people who have the disorder. If the mind can have such a powerful negative influence on the intestinal tract, it would seem to make sense that the mind could be used to have a positive or calming influence on the intestines.” Olafur S. Palsson, Psy.D

For further information about Psy.D research, please go to
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from research that psychological. stress increases the symptoms of many people who have the disorder. If the mind can have such a powerful negative influence on the intestinal tract, it would seem to make sense that the mind could be used to have a positive or calming influence on the intestines.”