Pre-Marital Counseling

Pre-marital Counseling in Irvine

Pre-marital counseling is important to help you get a solid foundation and stronger bond between one another.

Factors of everyday life can put an strain on a relationship. Severe stressors may include resentment, infidelity, intimacy issues, lack of trust, and miscommunication.

When problems go unresolved, or a partner is suffering from mental illness or health complications, one can feel helpless or have feelings of guilt or shame. Communicating effectively can alleviate emotional anxiety. 

Couples often seek couples or marriage counseling when the relationship is at a standstill, or if they are unsure whether or not the relationship is worth salvaging.

When a relationship is showing signs of addiction, abusive behavior can occur such as emotional, physical, sexual, and severe depression/anxiety. Seek guidance from a therapist immediately, for your safety, the safety of your partner, and children.

Treatment techniques for pre-marital counseling may include the following depending on the therapist:

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